Optima Energy Consulting was contracted by the Kosovo Energy Corporation to provide technical support for the tariff process on behalf of the Regular Adjustment of their Maximum Allowed Revenues which was set by the Energy Regulatory Office for a five-year period.
Optima Energy Consulting modeled KEK’s Revenue Requirement for the second Relevant Year of the Regulatory Period, including it’s Operating and Maintenance Allowances, Depreciation costs and Allowed Return. An assessment of the forecast lignite supply costs was also conducted under this task.
One of the main deliverables of the project was the development of a capacity and energy charging methodology. This Methodology would be used after ERO’s approval of the Regulated Generator’s MAR in order to set the corresponding energy charge and capacity charge which would allow KEK to recover their Revenue Requirement. The design of the charges took account of the Kosovo Electricity Market Rules and ERO’s tariff regulation secondary legislation.