Comparative assessment of the energy costs recovery in the tariff methodologies in the water sector across European countries  

Optima Energy Consulting in partnership with REKK have provided a detailed comparative assessment for WAREG members on energy cost recovery tariff methodologies for water utilities. 

The WAREG report investigates the repercussions of the energy crisis on the water and wastewater utility sector in Europe, with a particular focus on the regulatory governance and tariff structures of WAREG member countries. The report relies on data collected from 18 member regulators through structured questionnaires and interviews with regulator representatives to assess how well regulatory governance and tariff frameworks address the challenges posed by the energy crisis. The report provides valuable insights from detailed case studies from affected countries, as well as best practices in such cases. 

The findings of the report were shared with WAREG members through several conferences by representatives of REKK and Optima Energy Consulting.

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