Appraisal Study Improving Climate Resilience of Water Utilities, financed by Swiss State of Economic Affairs (SECO)

We are pleased to be sub-contracted by Rebel Group to implement the project “Improving Climate Resilience of Water Utilities in Kosovo, funded by Swiss State for Economic Affairs (SECO), as one of the most competent consulting companies to provide niche services to the energy and water sector in Kosovo.

Swiss State for Economic Affairs (SECO) SECO decided to undertake a scoping study in Kosovo in order to obtain some further details on the needs and opportunities to contribute addressing current challenges in Kosovo.

The objective of this Appraisal Study is to critically examine and substantiate the project idea of addressing the climate resilience of Kosovo’s water utilities by improving their water and energy efficiency, following a performance-based approach. The Consultant will meet with potential stakeholders and assess the context for implementing the proposed project.

Our role in implementation of this appraisal study was to:

  • Assess the current legal and policy framework in Kosovo regards to water and energy efficiency
  • Conduct gap analysis of the policy frameworks
  • Assess the existing performance monitoring system of water utilities, oversight system of public enterprises, and tools developed
  • Field mission (Conducting interviews and gaining first-hand information on steps to be taken to improve water and energy efficiency of water utilities in Kosovo.

Our Services

Investment Appraisal
and feasibility studies

Market and
Regulatory Risk analysis

Permits, Licenses,
Technical Codes compliance

Institutional capacity building and training
in energy policy and regulation

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