A Tariff Framework for Renewable Mini-Grids in Zambia

DT Global is currently implementing the Increased Access to Electricity and Renewable Energy Production Project (IAEREP).

Optima Energy Consulting is the prime subcontractor providing economic regulation support to the Energy Regulation Board (ERB). This includes supporting the country’s electrification efforts by developing a tariff framework which sets a predictable pricing policy for Mini-Grid developers. The tariff framework aligns with the requirements of the Energy Regulation and Electricity Acts and proposes that Mini-Girds below a certain installed capacity are exempted from economic regulation. Mini-grids that are not exempted are regulated through building-blocks with a multi-year tariff period. The allowed revenues are separately allocated in the modeling in order to enable the implementation of versatile grid encroachment policies and the WACC features a flexible gearing ratio to ensure that investments with lower gearing ratios are adequately accounted for in the allowed return.

IAEREP is funded by the European Union.

Advisory services to the PIU of the Moldovan Green Transition Technical Assistance Facility

The French Development Agency (Agence Française de Développement – AFD) is currently implementing a Policy-Based Loan (PBL) support instrument for the Government of Moldova (GoM) to assist the country’s green energy transition.

Expertise France, AFD’s technical support arm, has been tasked with the implementation of the Technical Assistance Framework (TAF), which has established a Project Implementation Unit to support the Moldovan authorities in the in the implementation of the PBL. Under this framework, Optima is cooperating with Expertise France to assist in the initial stages of the PIU establishment, preparing the project planning framework and gearing up the PIU for its support to the Moldovan institutions.

A net-billing support scheme for Albania

We recently completed our engagement with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE) of Albania to develop a Rule on Support Scheme for Renewable Self-Consumers. This Rule introduces a net-billing compensation scheme for renewable self-consumers featuring yearly cut-off periods with prosumer grid charges for fixed network cost compensation. The primary objective is to encourage prosumer […]

Comparative assessment of the energy costs recovery in the tariff methodologies in the water sector across European countries  

Optima Energy Consulting in partnership with REKK have provided a detailed comparative assessment for WAREG members on energy cost recovery tariff methodologies for water utilities.  The WAREG report investigates the repercussions of the energy crisis on the water and wastewater utility sector in Europe, with a particular focus on the regulatory governance and tariff structures of WAREG member countries. […]

Assessment of the potential to deliver utility-scale dispatchable renewable power to Kosovo

Optima Energy Consulting is engaged by Hill International of the IPF 7 Consortium to provide assistance in Legal and Regulatory Expertise for the European Investment Bank project, “Assessment of the potential to deliver utility-scale dispatchable renewable power to Kosovo”. Optima EC will be responsible to support the consortium of international experts in data collection of […]

Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Regulation 347/2013 in Kosovo

Optima Energy Consulting is a contractor of Energy Community for the implementation of the ” Technical Assistance for the Implementation of Regulation 347/2013 in Kosovo’ project. The objective of the project is to assist Kosovo in the full implementation of Regulation (EU) 347/2013 to facilitate investments in energy infrastructure and contribute to achieving the Energy […]

Legal Counsel in Connection with Millennium Challenge Corporation

Optima EC acted as a legal counsel in connection to Millennium Challenge Corporation’s work in Kosovo. Optima EC is the contractor of US-based law firm – Hunton & Williams which is an agent of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for Kosovo and has contracted Optima EC to provide legal services for MCC Kosovo needs. The […]