Legal Counsel in Connection with Millennium Challenge Corporation

Optima EC acted as a legal counsel in connection to Millennium Challenge Corporation’s work in Kosovo. Optima EC is the contractor of US-based law firm – Hunton & Williams which is an agent of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) for Kosovo and has contracted Optima EC to provide legal services for MCC Kosovo needs. The […]

District Heat Metering Activity – Reliable Energy Landscape Project (RELP), financed by Millennium Foundation Kosovo

District Heat Metering Activity is part of Reliable Energy Landscape Project (RELP), a project of the Millennium Challenge Corporation and implemented by Millennium Foundation Kosovo. The objective of RELP is to reduce the current gap between energy demand and supply, by lowering energy use through piloting households investments in energy efficiency, switching to cost-effective non-electricity […]

Electricity tariff assistance to ERO in the framework of ETR7

Optima Energy Consulting LLC and JWEleconsult Inc have recently been contracted by the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC) to assist the implementation of the Electricity Tariff Consultancy to the Energy Regulatory Office of Kosovo under the framework of ETR7 project financed by USAID. The principal objective of the consultancy is to provide technical assistance and […]

Review of IFC’s PPP SEIA and ECA IA Programs

DHInfrastructure have been engaged by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to Review IFC’s PPP ECA IA Programs. DHInfrastructure has subsequently engaged Optima Energy Consulting LLC to carry out specific tasks in relation to this project.  The main objective of the review is to assess the performance of IFC’s Southeast Europe Infrastructure Advisory (SEIA) and Europe […]

Advisory Serviecs to Hidroenergjia LLC

Optima Energy Consulting Supports Hidroenergjia with the following services: (a)Representation and/or intermediation during negotiations with potential investors;(b)Advisory Services on optimization of the capital structure (financing);(c)Exploration, identification and recommendation for financing;(d) Development of financial models and investment appraisals:(e)Presentation of project for investors;(f)Assessment of regulatory, legal, technical and financial risk of projects;(g)Feasibility studies for projects in the […]

Triangle General Contractors Inc.

Optima Energy Consulting has been contracted by the Triangle General Contractors Inc – a US- based company operating in Kosovo, to evaluate scenarios for determining the Purchase Price for a Hydro Power plant of the capacity of 0.8 MW. Optima Energy Consulting has also provided training and assisted TGC in increasing in-house technical capacities in […]

Technical Assistance to the Kosovo Energy Corporation JSC

Optima Energy Consulting was contracted by the Kosovo Energy Corporation to provide technical support for the tariff process on behalf of the Regular Adjustment of their Maximum Allowed Revenues which was set by the Energy Regulatory Office for a five-year period. Optima Energy Consulting modeled KEK’s Revenue Requirement for the second Relevant Year of the […]